Save the Date – AIM Global Forum on 12 December 2024 at the Vienna International Centre

AIM Global Forum

We are pleased to announce UNIDO’s first AIM Global Forum, scheduled for 12 December 2024 at the Vienna International Centre.

The AIM Global Forum will be the first official gathering of the UNIDO Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing (AIM Global). This landmark event will serve as a platform to showcase actionable solutions and success stories across various countries and industries. It will also be an opportunity to share insights and experiences on the effective and ethical use of AI technologies to enhance productivity, promote sustainability, foster innovation, and bridge the digital divide.

The Forum will focus on three key areas:

  1. AI in sustainable industrial development
  2. AI divide in industry and manufacturing
  3. AI innovations and trends

Interactive Sessions and Dynamic Discussions

The AIM Global Forum will feature a series of interactive sessions and dynamic discussions designed to shape the global discourse on AI’s future in industry and manufacturing. Topics will include:

  • AI governance, policies, and regulatory frameworks
  • The role of standards and quality assurance mechanisms
  • Addressing ethical concerns in AI development
  • Upgrading skills for AI applications
  • Ensuring inclusivity and sustainability in AI deployment

These discussions aim to facilitate global coordination in the deployment of AI, contributing to the ongoing debate on how to navigate the opportunities and challenges AI presents to the industrial sector.

Programme and Registrations

The draft program will be announced soon! To reserve your spot and take on a more active role in the event, or if you need visa support to attend in person, please complete the pre-registration form by October 31, 2024, 19:00 (CET).

Pre-registration form:
Date: 12 December 2024
Duration: 09:30-16:30 (CET)
Language: English


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