Driving Collaboration to Bridge the Digital Divide and Promote Sustainability: UNIDO Hosts Inaugural AIM Global Forum on AI for Industry and Manufacturing

Vienna, 12 December 2024 – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) hosted the AIM Global Forum at the Vienna International Centre, marking the first official gathering of the UNIDOs Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing (AIM Global). The forum convened leading AI experts, including government representatives, policymakers, academics, and private-sector leaders, to exchange best practices and advance dialogue on the transformative potential of AI in industry and manufacturing.

Throughout the week, from 9 to 13 December 2024, the forum combined live-streamed panels, virtual sessions, and business matchmaking opportunities. Thematic discussions organized by Alliance members highlighted cutting-edge AI solutions, promoting collaboration, and actionable insights to advance sustainable and inclusive industrial development. Topics included AI governance, global standards, integration into industry, and the environmental impacts of emerging technologies. 

Voices from Global Leaders 

Speeches and remarks from high-level profile participants underscored the critical role of international collaboration in ensuring equitable AI adoption and development: 

Gerd Müller, UNIDO Director General:

” AI and digital technologies offer tremendous potential to address global challenges. From climate change impacts to ending hunger, and the development of fair and sustainable supply chains. AI is also key to advancing circular economy. But these opportunities come with challenges, particularly the digital divides both between and within our countries. We cannot allow these to widen, we must make sure access to the technologies of the future is there for the benefit of all. That is why I am proud of AIM Global‘s role of improving technology access and closing these gaps.”

Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): 

From the IAEA’s perspective, where technology lies at the core of our mission, AI presents a wide range of possibilities for industrial applications, going beyond nuclear energy. However, its deployment currently stands at just 15 percent of its potential applicability capacity. In the field of nuclear energy, AI is increasingly viewed as a critical solution for sustainability and as a key instrument for operational improvement. It is an indispensable tool for automation, machine learning, and shaping the future of skills. It is both evident and natural that UNIDO will be at the forefront of driving these efforts forward. We fully support your endeavors and stand as your allies, wishing you every success in achieving your objectives within the Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing.”

Laura Gil Savastano, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Colombia to UNIDO, Chair of the Group of 77 Vienna Chapter:

The Group 77 and China recognizes inclusive and sustainable industrialization for developing countries as a critical source of economic growth, economic diversification, and value addition. In this context, the Group appreciates UNIDO’s essential support in technology sharing and transfer, as well as knowledge dissemination, and in this regard recognizes the key role of technology and the access to enhance financial, technological, and technical support from developed countries to developing countries as an enabler for facilitating sustainable industrialization and modernization, as well as for developing sustainable and resilient AI-powered infrastructures in developing countries. There is an urgent need to bridge the digital gap, empowering all nations to participate and reap the benefits of the digital age.”

LI Song, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of China to UNIDO:

On behalf of the Permanent Mission of China, I would like to express our warmest congratulations on the first Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing Forum hosted by UNIDO. Since its establishment in Shanghai last year, AI and Global has actively strengthened cooperation with all parties, continuously expanding its membership and global influence. China actively supports the work of UNIDO in the field of AI, providing support in terms of personnel and funding, and encourages relevant institutions to join the AIM Global Alliance and play an active role. At the World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting of Global AI Governors held in Shanghai in July this year, China and UNIDO jointly launched the UNIDO AIMGlobal Center of Excellence. We reiterate our commitment to fostering innovation, development, and global AI governance through international collaboration, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development, and bridging the digital divide.”

Annika Lisa Markovic, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Sweden to UNIDO:

“We are living in a time where digital and emerging technologies are fundamentally reshaping our societies and ways of living. Yet, where there is opportunity, there is also risk. To address this revolutionary development which affects all areas of policy, my government, the Government of Sweden, has this very week launched a new strategy called Sweden in a Digital World, Sweden’s foreign and security policy on cyber and digital issues. This is a reminder that the geopolitical dynamics of the physical world have their mirror image in the digital environment. It is therefore crucial to integrate digital and cyber issues into our foreign and security policy. The strategy encompasses all areas of foreign policy, security, trade and business promotion, human rights, and development cooperation.’’

Mohammed Sameer Salem Hindawi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Jordan to UNIDO: 

“It is with great acknowledgment that we regard UNIDO as an indispensable partner in the development trajectory of Jordan, especially, as we transition into the implementation phase of Jordan`s Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. It is increasingly evident that AI holds immense relevance to our national development agenda. Our collaboration with UNIDO marks a pivotal milestone in our mission to promote AI-powered digital transformation and build a robust AI ecosystem. The combined efforts of our development partners have already yielded significant progress, elevating Jordan’s profile as an upper-middle-income country undergoing an AI-powered transition.”

Ciyong Zou, Deputy to the Director General and Managing Director, Directorate of Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Industrial Development, UNIDO:

”We gather at a pivotal moment in history, as artificial intelligence reshapes industries, offering transformative potential for efficiency, innovation, and sustainability. However, we must also confront critical challenges such as inequality and environmental impact. Access to AI technologies remains uneven, and without deliberate action, we risk deepening global divides.  Similarly, the rising energy demands of AI require urgent attention to ensure its growth aligns with environmental sustainability. Together, through collective resolve and platforms like AIM Global, we can ensure AIs benefits are shared widely and its challenges addressed thoughtfully, creating a future where AI empowers all.”

Amandeep Singh Gill, Under-Secretary-General and Secretary-Generals Envoy on Technology, Office of the Secretary-Generals Envoy on Technology:

“To ensure AI benefits industry equitably, global considerations must be translated into concrete industrial standards. This is where events like the AIM Global Forum and organizations like UNIDO play a critical role in shaping an inclusive digital economy rich in the application of AI.”

Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations: 

“As we approach 2030 — the target year for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — the reality of our progress is sobering. We are significantly off track. If we are serious about advancing towards a sustainable future, we must reconsider the strategies and approaches we are employing and shift to embrace emerging technologies. AI offers significant potential in this regard, and research suggests AI can contribute to achieving 80 percent of SDG targets. However, AI governance and building trust in AI technologies is essential for the successful and responsible use of AI. A holistic approach and international collaboration are vital to addressing the manifold challenges that come with accelerated AI adoption.” 

With strong support from the Shanghai Municipal Government, this pivotal moment was further reinforced by an initial funding commitment of $1 million USD from the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (SAIRI). This funding will facilitate the Center of Excellence in advancing specific project collaborations under the AIM Global framework, thereby solidifying its role as a central hub for innovation, collaboration, and excellence in AI development across industries. 

His Excellency Li Song, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of China to UNIDO, attended the ceremony alongside other distinguished representatives, including Mr. Ciyong Zou, Deputy to the Director General and Managing Director of UNIDO, Ms. Xu Chun, Chief Operating Officer of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and Ms. Ana Paula Nishio de Sousa Chief, Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Ms. Xu Chun formally delivered the letter, signifying the official inauguration of the Shanghai Center of Excellence. 

Delivering Impactful Collaborations and Insights

AIM Global showcased its commitment to fostering innovation and inclusivity through several key initiatives: AIM Green, developed in partnership with the Beijing Institute of Technology, focuses on advancing green digital transformation by setting benchmarks for energy-efficient AI infrastructure.

Additionally, the flagship report, Bridging the AI Divide: Empowering Developing Countries through Manufacturing, created in collaboration with the University of Cambridge and AIM Global Members, provides practical guidance on harnessing AI to enhance industrial productivity, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.

A webinar series tailored to MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean and lusophone countries also provided essential insights to reduce technological divides.

A Call to Action for Global Collaboration

UNIDO welcomes new members to join AIM Global as it continues to scale up collective efforts to unlock AIs potential for equitable and sustainable growth. By fostering a global ecosystem of innovation and inclusivity, AIM Global seeks to empower developing countries, drive sustainable industrial development, and address pressing societal challenges.

For more information, contact AIM Global or UNIDO’s Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Division.


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