IVECF Side Event: AIM Global: The Future of AI for Industry and Manufacturing 

Vienna, 3 November, 2023 – The International Vienna Economic Forum (IVECF) hosted a special side event titled AIM Global: The Future of AI for Industry and Manufacturing” held at the Hofburg Conference Center and broadcasted via YouTube livestream

The event, organized by the UNIDO’s Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing (AIM Global), featured experts representing international organizations, global technology companies, the private sector, academia and youth representatives. The event fostered an enriching dialogue on the multifaceted applications of AI, envisioning the future trajectory of AI’s role in industry and manufacturing. 

Moderated by UNIDO, the speakers explored a wide range of critical topics, including discussions on innovative technologies that are redefining manufacturing and industrial landscapes, AI’s pivotal role in promoting sustainability and ethical technology adoption, and the potential of AI-powered solutions to combat climate change and enhance energy efficiency. The panelists also shed light on the evolving policies and regulatory frameworks surrounding AI adoption, collaborative models that harness synergies across public, private, and academic sectors, and strategies for developing the expertise required to leverage AI effectively across various industrial and manufacturing domains. 

Throughout the event, participants gained a deeper appreciation of AI’s current state, explored innovative approaches to its application, and discussed the crucial development of associated skills. The event emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts to maximize AI’s benefits, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive future. Topics of green transition and climate change mitigation were raised in an attempt to understand the bigger role that AI and digitalization can play in the environmental sustainability path, addressing the need for greener industrial and economic development. 

In his welcoming speech, Ciyong Zou, Deputy to the Director General and Managing Director, UNIDO, stated: “This year marks a significant milestone in our journey towards harnessing the potential of AI in industry and manufacturing. AIM Global is not just a response to the technological advancements in AI. It provides a visionary multi-stakeholder approach to transform AI into a force for good, integrating it responsibly and sustainably into the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Our objective is to provide relevant actors in this field with a deeper understanding of challenges and opportunities stemming from the adoption of AI, as well as with actionable insights to guide us forward”. 

Amidst the backdrop of accelerated technological progress, AI is a critical force reshaping industries and global manufacturing processes while also becoming a transformative force in addressing energy efficiency issues and mitigating climate change. AIM Global is committed to establishing a global community comprising diverse stakeholders in this context. It offers a platform for productive collaboration among governments, the private sector, technology leaders, and academia, steering the path toward a future where AI is conscientiously integrated, ensuring global responsibility and sustainability. 

For more information about the IVECF and its outcomes, please visit https://www.ivecf.org/forum-2023/. 

For more information about the Global Alliance on AI for Industry and Manufacturing, please visit https://aim.unido.org/ and contact aim-global@unido.org and Ms. Ana Paula Nishio de Sousa, a.nishio@unido.org. 


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