UNIDO’s AIM Global initiative Showcased at Euronews Debate: Driving digital transformation for Europe’s emerging innovators 

Vienna, Austria – November 15, 2024, The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) highlighted its AIM Global initiative during a Euronews debate that brought together global experts to explore strategies for advancing digital innovation in Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The discussion emphasized the transformative impact of digital technologies on productivity, profitability, and innovation.

Ana Paula Nishio de Sousa, Chief of the Digital Transformation and AI Strategies Division at UNIDO, joined the distinguished panel to share insights on harnessing AI and digital technologies for sustainable industrial growth. The panelists discussed ways to drive digital innovation, support businesses in their digital transformation journeys, and leverage resources from specialized companies like Huawei and EU government programs.

“Our focus in Europe is primarily on Eastern Europe and Central Asia as emerging economies,” Nishio de Sousa noted. “We are working to create innovation ecosystems that empower companies, improve access to finance, and build skills through capacity development.”

While some panelists identified overregulation as a significant barrier to progress, Nishio de Sousa emphasized the critical role of regulations in protecting fundamental rights.

“Regulations should be as low as possible but as high, as necessary. They are rooted in fundamental rights, and the key element is that personal data belongs to individuals, not to technology or governments,” she explained.


The debate explored critical topics, including:

  • Challenges of Digital Transformation for SMEs
  • Support Mechanisms for Digitalization:
  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Transformation:
  • Balancing Regulation and Innovation:

The event featured a diverse panel of experts, including:

  • Zhu Xiaoming, Vice President of Global Industry Development, Huawei Cloud
  • Horst Heitz, Chairman, SME Connect Steering Committee
  • Alexander Pisemskiy, CEO, Zenpulsar
  • Gaurav Tripathi, CTO, Innoplexus AG

The collaborative debate highlighted how industry leaders are driving the digital transformation of Europe’s SMEs. Nishio de Sousa’s contributions underscored UNIDO’s pivotal role in promoting sustainable industrial development through AI and digital strategies, ensuring that technology serves as a tool for inclusive and equitable growth.

About UNIDO:

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development. Through initiatives like AIM Global, UNIDO drove innovation, built capacities, and championed digital inclusion across the globe.



Email: aim-global@unido.org



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